Biofilm Reserach Colloboration Center posseses various collections of bacterial test strains and isolates of clinically significant pathogens causing biofilm-associated infections (BAI). These isolates were gathered through BAI surveillance research conducted in several partner hospitals in Yogyakarta and Semarang. Pathogens causing BAI were obtained from patiens undergoing treatment with invasive medical devices, such as ventilators, urinary catheters, intravenous catheters, orthopedic prostheses, and diabetic ulcer patients. All isolates have ben examided for their biofilm formation capabilities and antimicrobial sensitivity patterns.

One of the current strategies for controlling biofilm involves tailoring the target compounds/drugs to the stages of biofilm formation. For example, efforts to prevent biofilm formation at the initial stage can be undertaken by utilizing inhibitor agents capable of preventing bacterial adhesion to material surfaces. It is anticipated that these inhibitor compounds can disrupt/damage the bacteria's ability to sense the surface intended for colonization. Research on biofilm, particularly in the fields of medicine and health, is currently gaining momentum, not only due to the significant negative impacts biofilm can have on health but also the economic repercussions it generates.

Kami berharap koleksi isolat mikroba ini bisa menjadi subyek penelitian lebih lanjut untuk memahami patogenesis infeksi biofilm, sehingga bermanfaat dalam upaya menemukan strategi diagnosis, pencegahan dan pengobatan infeksi biofilm, serta dapat digunakan untuk bahan uji pencarian senyawa yang berpotensi sebagai antibiofilm dari berbagai sumber biodiversitas Indonesia.

Berikut ini daftar koleksi isolat ATCC dan isolate klinik penyebab BAI koleksi PKR Biofilm:

Isolat standar biofilm producer dan non-biofilm producer:

Isolat klinik penyebab BAI:

PKR Biofilm


Synergizing in the discovery of biofilm diagnostics and antibiofilm compounds from Indonesian biodiversity

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Email info@biofilm.id

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